- E-Journals
- E-shodsindhu
- Shodhgangal
- E-books
- Database
Institution has Remote access to all the 5 above through N-list which is a subset of e- Shodhsindu and the subscription of Shodhganga is free to all.
Subscription of e-Shodhsindu and Shodhganga
E- copy of Membership of subscription of e-Shodhsindhu and Shodhganga
Receipts of Membership of NLIST which is a subset of E-shodhsindhu
E-Journals Subscription
E-copy of letter of Membership/Subscription of E-Journals
Receipt of Membership/Subscription of E-Journals
E-books Subscription
E-copy of letter of Membership/Subscription of E-Books
Receipt of Membership/Subscription of E Books
Database Subscription
E-copy of letter of Membership/Subscription of Database
Receipt of Membership / subscription of Database
Screenshot of the access pages of E-resources
Screenshot of the access pages of E-resources
Usage Report from N-list
Usage report from service provider during the years 2018-2023