Internal Complaints Cell deals with issues regarding sexual harassment. It works for the prevention of sexual harassment to maintain safe environment for students and staff.


  • Principal / Convener
    • Presiding Officer
    • Faculty Member
    • Faculty Member/ Secretary
    • Non – teaching Staff
    • Student Representative- I Year
    • Student Representative- II Year
    • Student Representative – M.Ed


To prevent all sorts of sexual harassment and to ensure safe environment for students and staff in the college.


  1. Ensure safe environment for students and staff in the college
  2. Providing assistance if a student or employee chooses to file a complaint with the Police.
  3. Protecting the safety of the Complainant by not divulging the identity of the complainant.
  4. Providing mechanisms of dispute redressal and dialogue to anticipate and address issues
  5. Ensuring the victims or witnesses are not victimized or discriminated while dealing with Complaints of sexual harassment
  6. Ensuring prohibition of retaliation or adverse action against a covered individual because

student is engaged in protected activity.

Term: Internal Complaints Committee shall be reconstituted every three years except for the retirement and long leave of the staff.

Meetings: Meetings of the Internal Complaints Committee shall be held at least twice a year.