Dr Josephine Joseph, Associate professor in Physical Science Education and Research Guide in Education.
Entry into Service in this institution : 2007
Qualification: Ph.D in Education, NET ( Education), M.Sc ( Chemistry)
E Mail. ID :
- Ph.D in Education(2017) Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
- M.Ed (2006) from Mangalore University, Karnataka
- M.Sc Chemistry (1996) from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
Teaching Experience
- As a Teacher Educator :from February 2007 onwards
- As HSST(Jr) : from June 2003 to February 2007
- As UPSA : From June 2002to June 2003
Professional Development
Orientation & Refresher Courses attended
1. One week FDP on Learning Management System ( MOODLE) and Course Design conducted by FP Center Kerala State Higher Education Council, Thiruvananthapuram from 01-06 September 2021.
2. SWAYAM ARPIT ONLINE COURSE for Career Advancement Scheme(CAS) promotion Refresher Course on Teacher and Teaching in Higher Education, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, from 1st Dec 2020 to 31st March 2021
3. Online Training Programme on the theme Academic, Leadership organized by CALEM, at the UGC HRDC, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from 06 March 2021 to 13 March 2021.
4. Seven-Day National Virtual Short-Term Programme on “Fundamentals of Educational Research” organized by Research and Development Center & Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai in collaboration with Sri Sarada College of Education (Autonomous), Salem held from 11th July to 17th July’ 2020.
5. Short Run Course MHRD- Teaching Learning Centre under PNMITT, Dept. of Education, Calicut University from 05/01/2019 to11/01/2019
5. Refresher Course in Higher Education and Women Studies UGC HRDC, Thiruvanathapuram from 26/06/2018 to 16/07/2018
6. UGC Sponsored Refresher Course (Education ) UGC-Academic Staff College, Thiruvanathapuram from 09-03-2017 to 29-03-217
7. UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme (IT- Oriented) UGC-Academic Staff College,
Thiruvanathapuram from 21-07-2007 to 17-08-2007
- Approved Research Guide from 2022 onwards by Mahatma Gandhi University and has 4 research scholars enrolled
- Guides M.Ed thesis of students of the Institution
- Is a member of the Editorial board of the Peer Reviewed Research Journal entitled ‘Edufocus’ with ISSN2347-646X published by St. Joseph college of Teacher Education for Women
- Served as a co researcher in the UGC Sponsored Minor Research Project titled Enhancing Maths Skill of Primary Students with Intervention Education Programme(IEP)through Primary School Teachers
- Has served as a guide for the M A Education Programme in IGNOU
- Has published articles in journals and Chapters in Edited books
Edited Books
1.Eco Consciousness among Students at Secondary School Level in an Edited
Book Spectrum of Educational Initiative UGC-HRDC ,University of Kerala, Better Books November 2017 4, ISBN- 978-81-908006-5-5.
2. Envisioning India as a Leader for Environmental Sustainability in an Edited
Book Millennium development Goals : Insights and Praxis UGC-HRDC ,University of Kerala, Better Books July 2017 4, ISBN- 978-8-908006-8-6 .
3.Ecotherapy- Building a Complete Man and a Green Earth in Counselling and Mentoring for 21st Century Learners, UGC-HRDC ,University of Kerala, Better Books November 2017 Pages 114-124, ISBN-978-81-908006-2
4. English Language Vocabulary among Students at Primary School Level in Academic Research practices in Higher Education Multidisciplinary Perspectives ,UGC-HRDC ,University of Kerala, Better Books October 2022 ISBN-978-81-957171-2-5
5. Child Digital Safety and Issues in Contemporary Education and Technology : Global Scenario, Mother Teresa Women’s University , Kodaikanal, April 2018, ISBN- 978-81-921835-1-0
Publication in Journals & Seminar proceedings
- Mindfulness and Eco Spirituality among Prospective Teachers , Education and Society, ISSN 2278-6864 with IF=6.718 ,Vol. 46, Issue 04, No. 02, October-December : 2022 UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed,Bilingual, Multi-disciplinary Referred Journal.
- A study on Eco friendliness and awareness in Green Chemistry of the students at Higher Secondary Level , Pedagogics Vol. X &XI No.1, September 2014, Pages 74-78
- Sin and Expiation in T.S Eliot’s, The Elder Statements; An Analysis Edufocus December 2017Vol.11, No.2 Pages14-17
- A Study on Conceptual knowledge on OER among Teacher Educands in Seminar Proceedings Teaching Learning Platforms for digital Natives , UGC-HRDC ,Unive rsity of Kerala, Better Books September 2018 ISBN-978-19-908006-9-3Pages 336-342
- Awareness on Climate Change among Higher Secondary School Students Conference proceedings of three day International Conference on Climate Change- Inconvenient Truths Status and way Forward April 9-11, 2015 Pages51-65
- Exploring the Constructivist Learning Environment in Secondary school students Proceedings of the National Conference on Critical Pedagogy an Constructivism in the Digital Context – ‘CPCDC18’ organized by Department of education, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikannal in April 2018 Pages153-157
- Eco Spirituality in Gandhian Thoughts Compedium of Proceedings and Abstracts of International Seminar on Gandhian Education Principles and Practises for the Emerging Global Scenario by Sivadasan Pillai Foundation for Educational Research and Development (SPFERD) Thiruvananthapuram. July 2012 Pp. 39-40
- Eco Friendliness among Student Teacher Educators at M.Ed level Proceeding of UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Naturalistic Intelligence organized by N S S College Chagnacherry July 2012, ISBN 978- 81-924950- 0-7 Pp. 110- 111
- Life Skills of Students of Higher Secondary School –A Comparative Study Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Life Skills Organized by Indian Association of Life Skills Education (IALSE) February 2014,ISBN 978-93-83842-13-1 Pp. 330- 334
- Blended Learning for Enhancing 21st Century Skills Proceedings of UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Implications of Novel Technological Approaches in Education by Titius II Teachers College, Thiruvalla July 2009 Pp. 76- 80.
- A study on Emotional Proceedings of UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Intelligence and Academic Achievement of Pupils of Standard IX Promoting Research Culture for Enhancing Quality of Teacher Education by St Joseph College of Teacher Education for Women, Ernakulam May 2009 Pp. 66- 70
Scale of Pay