Dr. Smitha Jose has been working as an Assistant Professor in Education since March 2015. She was awarded Ph.D in Education from Bharathiar University Coimbatore for the thesis EFFECTIVENESS OF DRAMATIC LEARNING PACKAGE IN SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR ENHANCING LIFE SKILLS AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS
Orientation Programme from UGC-HRDC University of Kerala Trivandrum
Refresher Course on Teacher and Teaching in Higher Education from MHRD SWAYAM Portal
Online Refresher Course in Teacher Educators: Learning Outcomes and Educational Reforms- Pedagogy Assessment and Quality Assurance from UGC- HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, KANNUR UNIVERSITY, KERALA
Interdisciplinary Refresher Course in Advanced Research Methodology Organised by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi In collaboration with Government College (Autonomous), Rajahmundry Y. Junction, Rajamahendravaram, Andhra Pradesh under the aegis of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING
One-week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Online Education in Higher Education Institutions conducted by the Faculty Development Centre of the Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC), Thiruvananthapuram.
Seven day short term program on Human Rights organised by IQAC of Sree Ayyappa College For Women, Chunkankadai In collaboration with UGC- HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, Kannur University, Kerala
Doctor of Philosophy in Education from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kalamassery, Kerala.
M.A Economics (2002) Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.
M.Ed (2006) School of Pedagogical Sciences , Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.
‘Nature Based Learning: Effect on Pro-Environmental Attitude of Secondary School Students’ in Education and Society, UGC Care listed Journal, Vol: 46, Issue 04.
Eco Spirituality among student teachers at secondary level in Book titled Academic Research Practices in Higher Education: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Vol 2 with ISBN 078-81-957171-2-5
1. Elementary Education(2020),APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-88316-62-0
2. Drama in Education (2023) Authorpress , New Delhi , ISBN 978-93-5529-803-4
1. ICT for 21st Century Classroom (2018) ICT in Education (Edited Book) APH Publishing Corporation, ISBN 978-93-87460-07-2
2. Flipping in Virtual Learning 2000 (Chapter) Technology and Learning For Next Generation (Edited Book) Krishna Publication House 2020 ISBN 978-81-947388-3-1
3. Education: Both Fundamental and Human Rights(2022) From Promise to Practice : Re-thinking Quality and Human Rights Edited by Dr. Rjanatha Kumari , Dr. M.R Meera and Dr. T. Anitha Published by Indus Scrolls Press; New Delhi; ISBN :978-81-948127-2-2
Membership in All Kerala Training College Teachers’ Association (AKTCTA)
Life Member of CTEF
Guided 39 M.Ed Thesis
Editor of Edufocus- A Peer Reviewed Research Journal in Education with ISSN No . 2347-646x
Anti- Ragging Cell – Committee member
Placement Officer
Alumnae -Staff-in -Charge
Nodal Officer Young Innovators Programme (YIP)
Anti- narcotic club- Staff-in -Charge